Take Action

A joyful young boy wearing glasses smiles broadly, peeking through a gap with sunlight illuminating his face.

Youth and their families are struggling to stay together. You can change their story.

Together For Youth empowers vulnerable youth and families in our community, fostering healing, resilience, and a brighter future. But we can’t do this without you. Every single action, big or small, makes a real difference.

How will you take action today?

Two men, Tammar and Angelo, posing together indoors, the one on the left wearing a gray hat and sunglasses, the one on the right wearing a yellow sweater, both smiling at the camera.

Meet Angelo & Tammar

In the winter of 2023, something incredible happened within the walls of our juvenile detention center. Our youth met Chris Wilson, the author of The Master Plan: My Life in Prison to a Life of Purpose. Each young individual was gifted a copy of his book.

As they read Wilson’s story, a remarkable transformation took place within our walls. A newfound dialogue emerged among the youth, filled with aspirations and dreams of forging meaningful lives beyond their present situations. Seeing this inspiring change, we understood the profound impact of Wilson’s book. We committed to sharing its transformative power with New York through an innovative partnership with the Chris Wilson Foundation.

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Join Our Team

You can wake up and go to your job each day. Or you can wake up and make an impact. Together For Youth makes it possible to positively impact the lives of those in your community while finding opportunities to grow personally, develop new skills, and build a stronger future for everyone.

Explore how our unique, human-centered employee benefits programs support you in helping others.

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A young boy with curly hair smiles while looking slightly off to the side. He is wearing a light blue shirt with a darker blue and grey design. The background is blurred with greenery, suggesting an outdoor setting.
Stories of Hope

A Journey of Triumph

Over the past year, the story of a resilient young man has unfolded, revealing his struggles with adversity both at home and in his academic environment. Battling with impulse control, this young man, Adam, showed heightened aggression and hovered close to being placed in care.

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