Our Story

Advocacy We believe in more than just words – we believe in action.

We stand as unwavering advocates for those we serve, ensuring their voices are heard loud and clear. But our commitment goes beyond that. We understand that to truly make a difference, we need to support our team effectively. That’s why we’re proud to say that our leaders don’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk.

Recently, Together for Youth team members joined organizations throughout the state for the Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies’ annual Lobby Day at the Capitol to engage state legislators on critical issues impacting child welfare. Child welfare leaders and staff hold inherent influence and a perspective based on the real experience of providing day-to-day care and treatment to children and families while continually striving to improve services and outcomes. There is nothing more powerful than seeing leaders and staff standing side by side passionately advocating for the needs of the workforce and the clients we serve.

A group of 13 people are posing indoors near a New York State Legislature emblem. They are smiling and appear to be at a formal or professional event. Some are standing, and others are kneeling in front. Everyone is dressed in business or casual attire.

Raise the Lower Age needs investment to make it work. Not investing in those who provide the community- and home-based programs necessary to make Raise the Lower Age work will only hurt youth and families.

A large, historic stone building with multiple levels and ornate architectural details stands prominently. Red-roofed towers adorn its corners. Pedestrians and vehicles are visible in the foreground, and a clear blue sky serves as the backdrop.

Our President and CEO, Brian Parchesky, exemplifies this ethos. Recently, he spearheaded a crucial advocacy effort alongside colleagues in Albany, fighting for a much-needed cost of living adjustment. This isn’t merely about fair compensation; it’s about recognizing the daily struggles our staff face and ensuring their well-being in the face of economic challenges.

Brian with short, light-colored hair wearing a blue blazer and black shirt, standing outdoors. The background is blurred with trees that have autumn-colored leaves. The individual is looking directly at the camera and smiling slightly.
A child's hands hold a white paper with

Our advocacy extends beyond policies and procedures. It’s rooted in a deep understanding of the realities our staff confront daily. Together for Youth plays a vital role in serving New York’s youth and families, many of whom come from backgrounds marked by trauma and crisis. The call for increased investment in essential programs speaks volumes about our values and the genuine care our leaders have for each member of our team. We know that by supporting our staff, we enhance our ability to serve our community with even greater impact.

Join us in our advocacy journey as we continue to stand up, speak out, and make a difference – not just for those we serve, but for every member of our organization. Together, we can build a brighter, stronger future for youth and families of New York State.

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